Welcome to this edition of Grace Notes a Newsletter from Grace United Methodist Church, Arlington, TX. This newsletter comes to let you know about happenings at Grace, and to invite you to reflect on your walk with God as you strive to follow Jesus’ summary of the commandments: to love God, one another, and oneself.
Be ready to imagine the impossible!
“May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance”, 2 Thessalonians 3:5
I have been thinking about the Immersion in Grace. Listening to the testimonies this past Sunday, I was reminded of how we must expect to hear from God. And how after we hear, it is important to “do” what God has told us to do.
Several people came forth and witnessed to the congregation about how the immersion had changed them, and you could see they joy in their faces and feel the love flowing from their hearts as they shared.
We all know how difficult it can be to confess when we have messed up. But when we do, we know how it frees us and enables us to move to where God desires us to be.
We experience a sense of empowerment each time we let go and allow God to move us through. No matter what we face in life, God always has a plan and he promised to see us through whatever we encounter in life.
I believe that all who attended the Immersion in Grace have been directed by God to “do” something. Maybe God has been on you to change something. Perhaps he has been telling you to say some things that you may not have felt strong enough to say.
God pours so much into our hearts. And at times he waits to see what we will do with it. We have been reminded that when we feel like we can’t, the grace is there so we can.
Every week we read together the mission of Grace UMC along with our motto “Experience Grace”.
The Sunday school classes are all starting new lessons. We are studying the Book of 1 Peter in Bible Class on Tuesdays. UMW and “Man Up”, our new men’s group, meet on the 4th Saturday each month. The Trailblazers meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays and Overture to Music classes, meet on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays this month.
If you have not experienced what Grace UMC has to offer in a while, I am inviting you to “Experience Grace”
Blessings and Peace,
Pam Pinkerton
Pastors column
Grace to you,
To God be the Glory! I start with the only statement that can describe what I feel about God’s tremendous presence throughout our renewal and revival time during Immersion in Grace 2013! I am sure that if you missed it, you have undoubtedly heard about the power and presence of God during these services.
As with any vision, we can rejoice in the past, but must continue looking forward to the future of what God has planned for Grace UMC Arlington. We are on the move, so please make sure you check your Grace UMC Arlington calendar, (particularly in the next two months). We have great ministry opportunities coming, along with new and exciting Sunday school classes, and opportunities to “grow in grace.”
If you missed our recent informational meeting, please make sure you check in to see what is coming for us on the horizon. Also, remember that if you missed a service, please make sure you get the teaching CD so that you can strengthen your faith by hearing and receiving God’s Word.
We are continuing to cooperate with God’s grace as we fulfill this mission at Grace UMC Arlington, where we are called to;
Bring people into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ, by making disciples through our words and actions in cooperation with God’s grace.
Let’s continue to stay faithful in cooperating with God we see His faithfulness towards us!
Stay in Love with God and each other,
Pastor Bates and Rona
Growing in Grace
LAY SERVANT TRAINING OFFERED AT GRACE (Save the date, register early!)
Billie Ray, Lay Leader
Lay Servants serve the local church in various capacities, e.g., being living witnesses working in the community (United Way, Boy & Girl Scouts, Big Brothers/Sisters, Foster Services, etc); they may be class leaders, exhorters, Sunday school or church school teachers. Lay Servants serve UMM, UMW, children, youth, young and older adult ministries and in missions & outreach.
Additional training is required to become a Certified Lay Servant, who serve the local church and beyond.
Class: Basic Lay Servant Ministries
Dates and Times: Oct. 18, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Oct. 19, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Place: Grace UMC, Arlington , 811 S. Davis Street, Arlington, TX 76013
For additional information go to: www.ctcumc.org Click on Conference Lay Servant Ministry.
To register: Contact Chris Buse ([email protected] or 972-935-2763)
Congratulations Billie Ray,
She has been accepted as a participant for 2013 Healthy Families, Healthy Planet project, in their Ambassador Advocacy training program. This is a diverse group of advocates who are passionate about making the world a healthier place for women and their families.
Be ready to imagine the impossible!
“May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance”, 2 Thessalonians 3:5
I have been thinking about the Immersion in Grace. Listening to the testimonies this past Sunday, I was reminded of how we must expect to hear from God. And how after we hear, it is important to “do” what God has told us to do.
Several people came forth and witnessed to the congregation about how the immersion had changed them, and you could see they joy in their faces and feel the love flowing from their hearts as they shared.
We all know how difficult it can be to confess when we have messed up. But when we do, we know how it frees us and enables us to move to where God desires us to be.
We experience a sense of empowerment each time we let go and allow God to move us through. No matter what we face in life, God always has a plan and he promised to see us through whatever we encounter in life.
I believe that all who attended the Immersion in Grace have been directed by God to “do” something. Maybe God has been on you to change something. Perhaps he has been telling you to say some things that you may not have felt strong enough to say.
God pours so much into our hearts. And at times he waits to see what we will do with it. We have been reminded that when we feel like we can’t, the grace is there so we can.
Every week we read together the mission of Grace UMC along with our motto “Experience Grace”.
The Sunday school classes are all starting new lessons. We are studying the Book of 1 Peter in Bible Class on Tuesdays. UMW and “Man Up”, our new men’s group, meet on the 4th Saturday each month. The Trailblazers meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays and Overture to Music classes, meet on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays this month.
If you have not experienced what Grace UMC has to offer in a while, I am inviting you to “Experience Grace”
Blessings and Peace,
Pam Pinkerton
Pastors column
Grace to you,
To God be the Glory! I start with the only statement that can describe what I feel about God’s tremendous presence throughout our renewal and revival time during Immersion in Grace 2013! I am sure that if you missed it, you have undoubtedly heard about the power and presence of God during these services.
As with any vision, we can rejoice in the past, but must continue looking forward to the future of what God has planned for Grace UMC Arlington. We are on the move, so please make sure you check your Grace UMC Arlington calendar, (particularly in the next two months). We have great ministry opportunities coming, along with new and exciting Sunday school classes, and opportunities to “grow in grace.”
If you missed our recent informational meeting, please make sure you check in to see what is coming for us on the horizon. Also, remember that if you missed a service, please make sure you get the teaching CD so that you can strengthen your faith by hearing and receiving God’s Word.
We are continuing to cooperate with God’s grace as we fulfill this mission at Grace UMC Arlington, where we are called to;
Bring people into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ, by making disciples through our words and actions in cooperation with God’s grace.
Let’s continue to stay faithful in cooperating with God we see His faithfulness towards us!
Stay in Love with God and each other,
Pastor Bates and Rona
Growing in Grace
LAY SERVANT TRAINING OFFERED AT GRACE (Save the date, register early!)
Billie Ray, Lay Leader
Lay Servants serve the local church in various capacities, e.g., being living witnesses working in the community (United Way, Boy & Girl Scouts, Big Brothers/Sisters, Foster Services, etc); they may be class leaders, exhorters, Sunday school or church school teachers. Lay Servants serve UMM, UMW, children, youth, young and older adult ministries and in missions & outreach.
Additional training is required to become a Certified Lay Servant, who serve the local church and beyond.
Class: Basic Lay Servant Ministries
Dates and Times: Oct. 18, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Oct. 19, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Place: Grace UMC, Arlington , 811 S. Davis Street, Arlington, TX 76013
For additional information go to: www.ctcumc.org Click on Conference Lay Servant Ministry.
To register: Contact Chris Buse ([email protected] or 972-935-2763)
Congratulations Billie Ray,
She has been accepted as a participant for 2013 Healthy Families, Healthy Planet project, in their Ambassador Advocacy training program. This is a diverse group of advocates who are passionate about making the world a healthier place for women and their families.