Faith Enrichment Classes (Sunday School) are for everyone. Classes follow morning worship.
Adult Womens Bible Class
Meets at 11:30 AM Join in person or listen on line and participate in an exciting study of the Biblical study of God's Word. This Season: Claiming Identity Unit Overview - Identity in Christ November 3 Adopted through Christ, Ephesians 1:3-14 The Spiritual Practice of Witness November 10 Liberated Through Christ. Romans 6:1-14 November 17 Hidden in Christ, Colossians 3:1-17 November 24 Receiving and Sharing Christ, 2 Timothy 2:1-16 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 893 2976 6414 Passcode: 409497 Meeting ID: 893 2976 6414
Passcode: 409497 |
Adult Faith Enrichment Class
Meets at 11:30 AM Hearing from God is vital to enjoying God's plan for our lives. LIVING BEYOND YOUR FEELINGS, Joyce Meyer examines the gamut of feelings that human beings experience. She discusses the way that the brain processes and stores memories and thoughts, and then - emotion by emotion - she explains how we can manage our reactions to those emotions. By doing that, she gives the reader a toolbox for managing the way we react to the onslaught of feelings that can wreak havoc on our lives. Order your book today. Meeting ID: 893 2976 6414
Passcode: 409497 |
Contemporary Class
Meets at 11:30 AM in person We've all at some point looked up from the daily grind and realized we had somehow drifted off course. Maybe we've been doing all the right Christian things and saying all the right Christian words, but inside we know something is just a bit off. Like we've run out of energy, vision, passion, and feel unable to move forward. The question we're pondering is not only How did I get here? but also What do I do now? |
Young Men's Class Ages 24-40
"The Pathway of Wisdom - A study of the Blessing of Walking in Wisdom"
"The Pathway of Wisdom - A study of the Blessing of Walking in Wisdom"
College Age Class (18-23)
Meets at 11:30 AM in person Jesus' Early Ministry introduces the fascinating accounts of the life of Christ, including prophecy of His coming, early life in Nazareth, preparation for ministry, and early miracles. Lessons give practical applications and propose questions that encourage biblical thinking in a Christian worldview. |
Youth Faith Enrichment Classes Ages 13-18
Meets at 11:30 AM in person This quarter's focus will be to understand God's Plan, Who Jesus Is, and What Jesus Said. Outside of our weekly Sunday classes, students will engage their faith throughout the week with Daily Devotionals to reflect on. Meeting ID: 832 4286 1755
Passcode: 849174 |
Youth Faith Enrichment Classes Ages 8 -12
Meets at 11:30 AM in person Meeting ID: 793 4584 8845
Passcode: M7dsTE |
Children's Faith Enrichment Classes
Ages 3 -7 Meets at 11:30 AM in person Meeting ID: 759 8272 8432
Passcode: 9uqstV |