The Birthing of a New Community
Unit 3
February 5 Recreated to Live in Harmony - Galatians 3:26-4:7
February 12 New Birth Brings Freedom - Galatians 4
February 19 Freedom in Christ - Galatians 5:1-17
February 26 Christ Creates Holy Living - Galatians 5:18-6:10
Men's Only Faith Enrichment Class - "The Man Code"
This is the place where true discussion can take place around your personal relationship with God and others. Join the men as they dive into - Creation: A Divine Cycle. This class is for ages 19-up.
Spiritual Formation - Faith Enrichment Class - "The Word, The Name, The Blood" by Joyce Myers.
God does not intend for you to spend all your time fighting and rebuking the enemy. He wants you to enjoy a life of freedom and complete liberty. By using the principles outlined in this book, you will learn how to effectively use the weapons God has given you to live a victorious life!
Contemporary Faith Enrichment Class - Power - Using or Abusing Our Potential
Power. How do we understand it, how do we experience it, how do we use it and how do we abuse it? Join this class as we study, discuss and reflect on "Power". 2 Timothy 1:7, "God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline". Sessions include examining the "powers of evil" in the Bible & in contemporary life, what it means to be empowered by the Holy Spirit, how the church is empowered by God and what it means to give God power over our lives.
Children's Faith Enrichment Classes Ages 3-7
Here we learn about God with scripture, prayer and fun.
Youth Faith Enrichment Class Ages 8-12
We are the “Seekers For Jesus”. Join us each week as we talk about God, Jesus and our faith.
Feb. 5, 2017
Galatians 3:26 - 4:7
Goal: WORD UP!: You belong to God.
Feb. 12, 2017
Galatians 4:8-20
Goal: WORD UP!: Free from the Law!
Feb. 12, 2017
Galatians 5:1-17
Goal: WORD UP!: It’s all about faith.
Feb. 26, 2017
Galatians 5:18 - 6:10
Youth Faith Enrichment Classes Ages 13-18
This is a place where we meet with our peers to encourage, inspire, and to walk together. Two classes, one for the young ladies and one for the young men.
Sunday School is for everyone. Our motto: Each One, Teach One!