This is the place where true discussion can take place around your personal relationship with God and others. Join the men as they dive into - Faith in Action - Self-Controlled, Upright and Godly Faith.
Adult Women's - Faith Enrichment Class
Justice in the New Testament
Unit 3 Paul Teaches About New Life In Christ
August 5 God's Justice - Romans 2:1-12
August 12 Global Economic Justice - 2 Corinthians 8:7-15
August 19 Loving and Just Behavior - Romans 12:9-21
August 26 Practicing Justice - Colossians 3:5-17
Spiritual Formation - Faith Enrichment Class – Filled with the Spirit – Understanding God’s Power in Your Life, by Joyce Meyers.
Foundation Scripture: “In Him we live and move and have our being (exist)” Acts 17:28 NKJV. Purpose: To Walk and Live in the Spirit. Is there no more payoff in your prayer? Is your step less sure in your walk with Jesus? Has your love for God hit its peak? Then maybe you’re ready for the next, deeper level in the Lord, where you welcome the Holy Spirit’s abiding presence and power in your daily life. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Joyce Meyer over-came an abusive past and welcomed its life-changing wonders. Now you can too, when you learn to: Overcome your problems through the Word of God and the power of his Spirit, make a difference in the lives of others and gain everything you need – and more – to lead a victorious life. Be prepared to do great things, and enjoy your new life in the Spirit!
Contemporary Faith Enrichment Class - Exodus
Exodus is a way out. It is a decisive act that leaves behind and moves on. Exodus and wilderness experiences significantly define the identity and existence of communities and individuals. How important have decisions to leave behind and move on been in your life? This study helps readers appreciate learning how God is in the midst of the movements and changes of life, no matter how minor or how transformational. We are continuing on the subject of, "Oops! Wrong Turn". These lessons explore the irony experienced by the Israelites along with defining a "good life".
Teen Faith Enrichment Classes Ages 13 and up
Here we discuss contemporary theological issues with a decided focus on looking at the world, our place in the world and how our beliefs shape how and who we will be in the world.
Children's Faith Enrichment Classes Ages 3-7
Here we learn about God with scripture, prayer and fun.
Youth Faith Enrichment Class Ages 8-12
We are "Seekers For Jesus". Join us each week as we talk about God, Jesus and our faith.
August 5, 2018
Who Should Judge?
Background Scripture: Romans 2:1-16
Purpose: Paul saw a need concerning how the church was judging others, and he wrote to the church in Rome about it.
August 12, 2018
Giving Your All
Background Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 8:7-15, and 9
Purpose: We are reminded as Christians to be charitable and do acts of grace.
August 19, 2018
Unconditional Love
Background Scripture: Romans 12:9-21
Purpose: Love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor.
August 26,2018
Live on Purpose
Background Scriptures: Ephesians 4:25-5:2; Colossians 3:1-17
Purpose: The only way we can have a successful testimony for the Lord is if we have peace with one another.