This is the place where true discussion can take place around your personal relationship with God and others. Join the men as they dive into - Faith in Action - The Early Church Proclaims Faith in Christ
Adult Women's Class
Unit 2 - A Living Faith in God
January 7, 2018 - A Sincere Faith
Purpose: To demonstrate faith that lives out its conviction. Daniel 1:3-21
January 14, 2018 - A Bold Faith
Purpose: To sustain a faith that is not eroded by pressure or crushed by oppression. Daniel 3:19-23, 26-28
January 21, 2018 - A Prayer for an Obedient Faith
Purpose: To purify our faith by confession our collective and individual sins to our loyal God.
Daniel 9:4-8, 15-19
January 28, 2018 - A Strong Faith
Purpose: To persevere in faith despite uncertainties and discouragement.
Daniel 10:10-19
Spiritual Formation - Faith Enrichment Class - Worshiping God with Our Lives
This month, continuing the series "Living In Jesus" by Marilyn Meberg. In Living In Jesus, you will explose what God says about this new life you have been given "In Christ". You will see from passages in the Bible that Jesus longs to be your closest friend, that He has called you His "beloved", and that He has made many fantastic promises to you. You will discover that God considers you part of His own family - and that your life is now part of a never-ending story that will continue to unfold through eternity!
Contemporary Faith Enrichment Class - Exodus
Exodus is a way out. It is a decisive act that leaves behind and moves on. Exodus and wilderness experiences significantly define the identity and existence of communities and individuals. How important have decisions to leave behind and move on been in your life? This study helps readers appreciate learning how God is in the midst of the movements and changes of life, no matter how minor or how transformational.
Children's Faith Enrichment Classes Ages 3-7
Here we learn about God with scripture, prayer and fun.
Youth Faith Enrichment Class Ages 8-12
We are "Seekers For Jesus". Join us each week as we talk about God, Jesus and our faith.
Background Scripture: Daniel 1
SIDELINE QUESTION: What are some ways that you can know God's plan is best?
Purpose: Trust God's Plan.
Background Scripture: Daniel 3
SIDELINE QUESTION: How can you stand up for God?
Purpose: God hears our prayers.
Background Scripture: Daniel 9:1-19
SIDELINE QUESTION: Why was Daniel praying?
Purpose: God hears our prayers.
Jan. 28th BE STRONG
Background Scriptures: Daniel 10; 11
SIDELINE QUESTION: Why did God send an angel?
Purpose: God is our Comforter.