This is the place where true discussion can take place around your personal relationship with God and others. Join the men as they dive into - Faith in Action - Self-Controlled, Upright and Godly Faith.
Adult Women's - Faith Enrichment Class
God's World and God's People
Unit 3 God Blesses and Creates Regardless
November 4 A Troubled Birth - Genesis 19:25-34
November 11 Jacob Receives Isaac's Blessing - Genesis 27:5-10, 18-19, 21-29
November 18 Jacob Forms A Relationship With God - Genesis 28:10-22
November 25 God Blesses Jacob and Rachel - Genesis 30:22-32, 43
Spiritual Formation - Faith Enrichment Class – Healing the Soul of a Woman: How to Overcome Your Emotional Wounds, by Joyce Meyers.
Can a woman who has been deeply hurt by life's circumstances be healed, heart and soul? If she has been wounded by a man she loved and trusted, can she love and trust again? As a woman who endured years of abuse, abandonment, and betrayal by those closest to her, Joyce Meyer can answer with a resounding, "yes!"
Contemporary Faith Enrichment Class - Fearless Conversation
Can I be good enough to please God? What does a life of Freedom Look Like? Join us after church. This class is for adults who are not afraid to have "Fearless Conversations".
Teen Faith Enrichment Classes Ages 13 and up
In the Teen Faith Enrichment Class, we seek to develop the faith-life of our students by discussing contemporary theological issues through a decidedly Christian focus. Through this lens, we look at our sociocultural climate, the world around us, our place in the world and how our beliefs shape how will be and who we will be in the world. In this class, we ask questions of our religious presuppositions, challenge worldviews and endeavor to dive deeper into our understanding of what it means to be Christian in our time. In so doing, we aim to have our students more prepared to engage with and ask questions of the world in which they live, ultimately bringing the grace of God into clearer focus.
Children's Faith Enrichment Classes Ages 3-7
Here we learn about God with scripture, prayer and fun.
Youth Faith Enrichment Class Ages 8-12
We are "Seekers For Jesus". Join us each week as we talk about God, Jesus and our faith.
Background Scriptures: Genesis 25:19-21,
23-30, 33-34
Purpose: When we pray it is to communicate our needs to God and wait for Him to respond
through the presence and power of His Spirit within our hearts.
Background Scriptures: Genesis 26:1-28:5
Purpose: God never deceives us. He is honest and truthful at all times. In John 8:32..”and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free” (NRSV).
Background Scripture: Genesis 28:10-22
Purpose: God wants us to focus our attention on trusting Him and following His will for our lives.
Scripture: Genesis: 30:22-32
Purpose: God never tells us in the Bible that we won’t go through hard times, but He does tell us that we never will be alone if we trust Him.