Welcome to this edition of Grace Notes
a Newsletter from Grace United Methodist Church, Arlington, TX. This newsletter comes to let you know about happenings at Grace, and to invite you to reflect on your walk with God as you strive to follow Jesus’ summary of the commandments: to love God, one another, and oneself.
Be ready to imagine the impossible!
“One more day”
Think for a moment about a time when you were on vacation. Think about the preparations that were made before the trip. Next, think about how you were relaxing, and enjoying the time away. Now, think about
that last day, packing up, preparing to leave. I don’t know about you but when it comes to that last day, I’m always thinking, “if only I could have just one more day!”
Just as I come to the end of my vacation needing another day, God too needs one more day. He has so much he wants to say to us, so much to give to us, that it takes more than one day. Just because this day ends, doesn’t mean that God is finished. He may just be getting started.
We often get anxious when our days are not flowing as we would like. We think God is not close because we can’t “hear”what he is saying to us. But He is. That is why it’s important to take time to get to know his voice. He is working behind the scenes for us, planning our next moves. He promised that He would never leave
“And then he says, one more day, one more step. See I'm preparing you for myself. And when you can't
hear my voice, please trust my plan I'm the Lord, I see and yes I understand” (I Understand, by Smokie Norful)
As we continue moving into this New Year, let’s remember not to rush whatever it is that God is doing in our lives. God knows what we need and he wants us to trust him in the process.
Blessings & Peace,
Pam Pinkerton
Pastors column
Grace to you!
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” Psalm 23:5 (NIV84)
The Psalmist’s affirmation and testimony to the grace of God was the fact that “a table” was set, regardless of
who was there (friend or foe). We should be comfortable in knowing that God “meets all out needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus”.
Have you ever sat at a dinner table and not eaten the food placed in front of you? Or, more tragically, not even come to the table that was prepared? What is on my heart as I write these words is simply this; participate,
partake, enjoy, and feast at the table of God’s grace.
What does this mean in a practical term?
1. Make every effort to sit under, hear, and receive the Word as we teach, preach and expound in it. That means you should regularly attend Sunday services (which are for you) and Tuesday Bible studies (which are for you). I am overjoyed in the increase of attendance in all of our services, but I must still encourage you to remain faithful to regularly receiving what God has prepared for you. Remember, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God!”
2. Make every effort to spend quiet and quality time with God in prayer and reading Scripture. It is amazing how the Gospel of Luke records Jesus “often” going away to quiet places to pray. Your entire life rest on the grace of God, however, we find that “we have access into this grace through faith.” The anointing and presence of God in our lives is profoundly increased as we take the time to sit at the Lord’s feet, to learn, grow, and “increase in the knowledge of God.”
Let’s come boldly to the throne (this place where mercy and grace abounds) and find the joy that is beyond words. Come to this prepared table and feast in the presence of God!
Get ready for the “Relationship Seminar” (for singles and couples), which is coming on March 9, 2013 at 9am. This will be a feast as we have special guest, Dr. Clifton Howard and Mrs. Barbara Howard of St. Andrews UMC Arlington. Included in this seminar, will be a special panel for questions and answers.
I’m Excited!!!!!
The Life Change series is continuing… What a great series to invest in. Remember, we exist to, and are, “Seeking to bring people into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ, by making disciples through our words and actions in cooperation with God’s grace!”
Stay in love with God and each other,
Pastor Bates
Sharing Grace
Grace UMC Trail Blazers (ages 50+)
Meet every 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. Billie Ray, Coordinator
The opportunity for spiritual and cultural enrichment is open to both males and females. Anyone who has an opening in their schedule on the 1st and 3rd Thursday morning from 10:30 - 12:00 noon is welcomed to attend.
February Meetings:
Thursday, February 7
Meet at the church for the Upper Room Bible study. Followed by lunch at Nagoya Japanese Restaurant, 1155
W. Arbrook Blvd. in Arlington, at 11:45 a.m.
Thursday, February 21
Meet at the church for the Upper Room Bible study. Experience More Grace!
Blessings to you all,
Billie L. Ray, Lay Leader
The Grace UMC Choir will be part of the entertainment at the Wesley Foundation Chili Cook-off February 10, 2013, 5:00- 7:00pm, FUMC Arlington. Tickets: $5 Individual, $10 per family.
The Wesley Foundation UTA - seeking to create disciples of Jesus Christ at UTA and raise up a new
generation of leaders for the sake of the church and the world.
News around the church
from United Methodist News Service
Haiti moves forward after earthquake
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Three years after the devastating Jan. 10 earthquake, more than 1 million of the.
5 million earthquake homeless have new homes, and the country is looking toward long-term development again. The United Methodist Committee on Relief has played a significant role in the nation’s recovery. To learn more, go to the UMCOR website at www.umcor.org.
Methodist school in Haiti to get computer lab
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A Methodist school in LeVeque, Haiti, has been chosen as one of 40 schools in rural Haiti to receive a solar-powered computer lab as part of the Haiti Connected Schools Program. The program, created by Inveneo, is one of the largest post-earthquake education-based information and communications technology deployments in rural Haiti. United Methodist Communications created a partnership with Inveneo to support local church volunteer efforts to put technology tools in developing countries.
Embrace military families and give thanks
COVINGTON, Wash. — Encourage active and retired military to wear their uniforms to church on Jan. 20 and for Veterans Day, Memorial Day and other special events. “Get to know military families. Invite them to tell their
stories,” says the Rev. Douglas J. Waite, a U.S. Navy captain retired from the Chaplain Corps and pastor of Cornerstone United Methodist Church. “You will have them with you just two to three years, so don’t waste
Pastor writes ministry guide for reservists
ORANGEBURG, S. C. — The Rev. Kenneth J. Walden, an elder in the California-Pacific Annual (regional) Conference and chaplain and professor at Claflin University, is the author of the newly published “Challenges Faced by Iraq War Reservists and Their Families.” In a review of the book, Bishop Will Willimon noted, “Ken Walden, from firsthand experience with these veterans, gives solid help to pastors and congregations seeking to minister to those in pain in the aftermath of Iraq.”
Students focus on children, poverty
ST. LOUIS — Children and poverty was the top choice as the 2013-14 justice priority of the United Methodist Student Movement as determined by voting at Imagine. What’s NEXT, a new student event sponsored by the United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry. More than 560 college students and campus ministers attended the event, which focused on helping students consider the next faithful steps for their vocations, communities, churches and the world.
a Newsletter from Grace United Methodist Church, Arlington, TX. This newsletter comes to let you know about happenings at Grace, and to invite you to reflect on your walk with God as you strive to follow Jesus’ summary of the commandments: to love God, one another, and oneself.
Be ready to imagine the impossible!
“One more day”
Think for a moment about a time when you were on vacation. Think about the preparations that were made before the trip. Next, think about how you were relaxing, and enjoying the time away. Now, think about
that last day, packing up, preparing to leave. I don’t know about you but when it comes to that last day, I’m always thinking, “if only I could have just one more day!”
Just as I come to the end of my vacation needing another day, God too needs one more day. He has so much he wants to say to us, so much to give to us, that it takes more than one day. Just because this day ends, doesn’t mean that God is finished. He may just be getting started.
We often get anxious when our days are not flowing as we would like. We think God is not close because we can’t “hear”what he is saying to us. But He is. That is why it’s important to take time to get to know his voice. He is working behind the scenes for us, planning our next moves. He promised that He would never leave
“And then he says, one more day, one more step. See I'm preparing you for myself. And when you can't
hear my voice, please trust my plan I'm the Lord, I see and yes I understand” (I Understand, by Smokie Norful)
As we continue moving into this New Year, let’s remember not to rush whatever it is that God is doing in our lives. God knows what we need and he wants us to trust him in the process.
Blessings & Peace,
Pam Pinkerton
Pastors column
Grace to you!
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” Psalm 23:5 (NIV84)
The Psalmist’s affirmation and testimony to the grace of God was the fact that “a table” was set, regardless of
who was there (friend or foe). We should be comfortable in knowing that God “meets all out needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus”.
Have you ever sat at a dinner table and not eaten the food placed in front of you? Or, more tragically, not even come to the table that was prepared? What is on my heart as I write these words is simply this; participate,
partake, enjoy, and feast at the table of God’s grace.
What does this mean in a practical term?
1. Make every effort to sit under, hear, and receive the Word as we teach, preach and expound in it. That means you should regularly attend Sunday services (which are for you) and Tuesday Bible studies (which are for you). I am overjoyed in the increase of attendance in all of our services, but I must still encourage you to remain faithful to regularly receiving what God has prepared for you. Remember, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God!”
2. Make every effort to spend quiet and quality time with God in prayer and reading Scripture. It is amazing how the Gospel of Luke records Jesus “often” going away to quiet places to pray. Your entire life rest on the grace of God, however, we find that “we have access into this grace through faith.” The anointing and presence of God in our lives is profoundly increased as we take the time to sit at the Lord’s feet, to learn, grow, and “increase in the knowledge of God.”
Let’s come boldly to the throne (this place where mercy and grace abounds) and find the joy that is beyond words. Come to this prepared table and feast in the presence of God!
Get ready for the “Relationship Seminar” (for singles and couples), which is coming on March 9, 2013 at 9am. This will be a feast as we have special guest, Dr. Clifton Howard and Mrs. Barbara Howard of St. Andrews UMC Arlington. Included in this seminar, will be a special panel for questions and answers.
I’m Excited!!!!!
The Life Change series is continuing… What a great series to invest in. Remember, we exist to, and are, “Seeking to bring people into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ, by making disciples through our words and actions in cooperation with God’s grace!”
Stay in love with God and each other,
Pastor Bates
Sharing Grace
Grace UMC Trail Blazers (ages 50+)
Meet every 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. Billie Ray, Coordinator
The opportunity for spiritual and cultural enrichment is open to both males and females. Anyone who has an opening in their schedule on the 1st and 3rd Thursday morning from 10:30 - 12:00 noon is welcomed to attend.
February Meetings:
Thursday, February 7
Meet at the church for the Upper Room Bible study. Followed by lunch at Nagoya Japanese Restaurant, 1155
W. Arbrook Blvd. in Arlington, at 11:45 a.m.
Thursday, February 21
Meet at the church for the Upper Room Bible study. Experience More Grace!
Blessings to you all,
Billie L. Ray, Lay Leader
The Grace UMC Choir will be part of the entertainment at the Wesley Foundation Chili Cook-off February 10, 2013, 5:00- 7:00pm, FUMC Arlington. Tickets: $5 Individual, $10 per family.
The Wesley Foundation UTA - seeking to create disciples of Jesus Christ at UTA and raise up a new
generation of leaders for the sake of the church and the world.
News around the church
from United Methodist News Service
Haiti moves forward after earthquake
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Three years after the devastating Jan. 10 earthquake, more than 1 million of the.
5 million earthquake homeless have new homes, and the country is looking toward long-term development again. The United Methodist Committee on Relief has played a significant role in the nation’s recovery. To learn more, go to the UMCOR website at www.umcor.org.
Methodist school in Haiti to get computer lab
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A Methodist school in LeVeque, Haiti, has been chosen as one of 40 schools in rural Haiti to receive a solar-powered computer lab as part of the Haiti Connected Schools Program. The program, created by Inveneo, is one of the largest post-earthquake education-based information and communications technology deployments in rural Haiti. United Methodist Communications created a partnership with Inveneo to support local church volunteer efforts to put technology tools in developing countries.
Embrace military families and give thanks
COVINGTON, Wash. — Encourage active and retired military to wear their uniforms to church on Jan. 20 and for Veterans Day, Memorial Day and other special events. “Get to know military families. Invite them to tell their
stories,” says the Rev. Douglas J. Waite, a U.S. Navy captain retired from the Chaplain Corps and pastor of Cornerstone United Methodist Church. “You will have them with you just two to three years, so don’t waste
Pastor writes ministry guide for reservists
ORANGEBURG, S. C. — The Rev. Kenneth J. Walden, an elder in the California-Pacific Annual (regional) Conference and chaplain and professor at Claflin University, is the author of the newly published “Challenges Faced by Iraq War Reservists and Their Families.” In a review of the book, Bishop Will Willimon noted, “Ken Walden, from firsthand experience with these veterans, gives solid help to pastors and congregations seeking to minister to those in pain in the aftermath of Iraq.”
Students focus on children, poverty
ST. LOUIS — Children and poverty was the top choice as the 2013-14 justice priority of the United Methodist Student Movement as determined by voting at Imagine. What’s NEXT, a new student event sponsored by the United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry. More than 560 college students and campus ministers attended the event, which focused on helping students consider the next faithful steps for their vocations, communities, churches and the world.