Welcome to this edition of Grace Notes
a Newsletter from Grace United MethodistChurch, Arlington, TX. This newsletter comes to let you know about happenings at Grace, and to invite you to reflect on your walk with God as you strive to follow Jesus’ summary of the commandments: to love God, one another, and oneself.
Be ready to imagine the impossible!
"When he came near to the den, he called to Daniel in an anguished voice, "Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God whom you serve continually, been able to rescue you from the lions?" Daniel 6:20
Greetings Grace,
One of the Sunday school lessons I heard as a child was the story of Daniel in the Den of Lions. I remember as the story was being read, thinking about how was this “Daniel” going to survive! I remember sitting with the other children in class as we waited for our teacher to read the outcome. What was going to happen when the king got to the den? Was Daniel going to answer when the king called his name?
This is just one of the many stories that we all heard as a child in Sunday school. We learned at an early age the importance of what it means to serve God. As I re-read this story, I thought about how Daniel was one of 3
administrators. He had a job to do and he took his job seriously. One thing that stood out about Daniel was we know he loved God because other people were able to see that in him. As a matter of fact, it got to be so much that the other administrators knew that the only way to get Daniel in trouble was to base it on “something to do with the law of his God” (Daniel 6:5). They tried to hit him where they thought it would hurt!
Isn’t that what people do today? When jealous, when upset, when things aren’t going the way they would like and they see things are going good for you; they try to hit you where it hurts! However, Daniel shows us that when he was thrown in the den, it was just another regular day for him. We learn from Daniel, that when serving God, it has to be something that we do each and every day. When Daniel was thrown in the den, it was
just another regular day for him because he wasn’t thrown off by the fact that he was going into the den. He was in such a habit of serving God that whatever went on that day, it didn’t matter because “he had trust in
his God” (Daniel 6:23).
What do you do to serve God on a daily basis? Are others able to see God in you every day? There are several opportunities at Grace to help you on this journey, starting with Sunday school. I remember Sunday mornings and my teacher. I remember sitting in class learning and talking about all that God has done in the lives of others, and how He would also do things for me.
There are so many opportunities and ministries here at Grace where you can use your talents to serve God. There are opportunities listed in this edition of Grace Notes and there are opportunities listed in the bulletin. If you have not experienced all that Grace UMC has to offer, I am inviting you to “Experience Grace”
Blessings and Peace,
Pam Pinkerton
Pastors column
Grace to you,
It is time to give Thanks and Praise to God! Psalm 34:1-3 says;
1 I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise will always be in my mouth.
2 I praise the Lord—let the suffering listen and rejoice.
3 Magnify the Lord with me! Together let us lift his name up high!
Although we are approaching a season where we look forward to spending time with family and friends and giving thanks for the many blessings, it is still well to remember to praise the Lord at all times. “For what?” some may ask. I encourage you to spend time in the presence of God—remembering… Remember how God made ways when there was “no way.” Remember-- God’s faithfulness when others had counted out the possibility of the situation turning around for your good. Let’s follow the example of the Psalmist in blessing and praising the Lord at all times.
Preparing for the Advent season and the New Year at Grace UMC Arlington is an exciting time. This is a place to look back and forward at the same time. Great events are planned for 2014, including;The Relationship Seminar, the Financial Freedom Seminar, and Immersion in Grace 2014. Also, new to 2014, will be a Women of Grace Conference. How exciting! Look for the dates soon so you can make your plans to attend these“growing in grace” events.
We are continuing to cooperate with God’s grace as we fulfill this mission at Grace UMC Arlington, where we are called to; Bring people into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ, by making disciples through our words and actions in cooperation with God’s grace.
Let’s continue to stay faithful in cooperating with God we see His faithfulness towards us!
Stay in Love with God and each other,
Pastor Bates and Rona
Growing in Grace
Each month Mrs. Mattie Battles will honor us with a birthday party for everyone celebrating a birthday during that particular month. Our first “Everybody’s Birthday Party” will be held after worship service on Sunday, November 24th. Everyone is invited!
Your Grace 2014 Planning team (comprised of the pastor and ministry leaders) met to discuss “plans”;God’s plans and our plans for Grace UMC. We are excited at what God has planned for Grace. Please keep all ministries of Grace UMC in your prayers. And be sure to check out the monthly calendars for meetings and upcoming events here at Grace.
2014 Grace Planning Team
Ministry Opportunities
Member Call Ministry
volunteers needed – interested, please contact Pastor Bates.
Holy-ween Harvest Festival!
Volunteers needed –interested, please see Rodrione Robinson. You can also support this ministry by bringing young people to this event. There will be activities such as; Trunk or Treat, various races, face painting, contest, and games. Prizes, Treats, and Food!!!! Start making plans to attend. Thursday, October 31st 5pm - 9pm
THANKSGIVING BASKETS - November 23, 2013
On Saturday, November 23rd we will distribute Thanksgiving Baskets to needy families of our faith community and surrounding area. Watch bulletin inserts/Grace Website for more information.
ANGEL TREE - December 21, 2013
On Saturday, December 21, 2013 we will distribute Christmas Gifts to children of the incarcerated who are in our community. "Angel Tree is a program (of Prison Fellowship) that focuses on transforming the lives of prisoners' children and fostering reconciliation between the child, prisoner-parent, and family. This month, we will begin our marketing and advertisement of the events as we "seek to bring people into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ, by making Disciples through our words and ACTIONS in cooperation with God's
Volunteers will be needed to prepare and/or deliver the Thanksgiving baskets and Christmas gift bags. Please see Rev. Penny Stemley to volunteer or for more details.
Grace United Methodist Women help support the mission of The Bethlehem Center. They are in need of clean, gently used men’s casual clothing; and coats and sweaters for men, women and children. Betty Smith will collect clothing donations starting Sunday 11/3 through 12/15. Please let her know if you have questions.
Sharing Grace
Community Eye Clinic, comprehensive eye care, diabetes, glaucoma, dry eye, injury/infection, glasses, and prescriptions. 655 Taylor Street, Fort Worth, TX, 817-289-6800.
Arlington Urban Ministries, formed in 1997 as an extended arm of the United Methodist Churches of Arlington, provides help with electric bills or other emergency assistance.
Mrs. Evelyn
a Newsletter from Grace United MethodistChurch, Arlington, TX. This newsletter comes to let you know about happenings at Grace, and to invite you to reflect on your walk with God as you strive to follow Jesus’ summary of the commandments: to love God, one another, and oneself.
Be ready to imagine the impossible!
"When he came near to the den, he called to Daniel in an anguished voice, "Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God whom you serve continually, been able to rescue you from the lions?" Daniel 6:20
Greetings Grace,
One of the Sunday school lessons I heard as a child was the story of Daniel in the Den of Lions. I remember as the story was being read, thinking about how was this “Daniel” going to survive! I remember sitting with the other children in class as we waited for our teacher to read the outcome. What was going to happen when the king got to the den? Was Daniel going to answer when the king called his name?
This is just one of the many stories that we all heard as a child in Sunday school. We learned at an early age the importance of what it means to serve God. As I re-read this story, I thought about how Daniel was one of 3
administrators. He had a job to do and he took his job seriously. One thing that stood out about Daniel was we know he loved God because other people were able to see that in him. As a matter of fact, it got to be so much that the other administrators knew that the only way to get Daniel in trouble was to base it on “something to do with the law of his God” (Daniel 6:5). They tried to hit him where they thought it would hurt!
Isn’t that what people do today? When jealous, when upset, when things aren’t going the way they would like and they see things are going good for you; they try to hit you where it hurts! However, Daniel shows us that when he was thrown in the den, it was just another regular day for him. We learn from Daniel, that when serving God, it has to be something that we do each and every day. When Daniel was thrown in the den, it was
just another regular day for him because he wasn’t thrown off by the fact that he was going into the den. He was in such a habit of serving God that whatever went on that day, it didn’t matter because “he had trust in
his God” (Daniel 6:23).
What do you do to serve God on a daily basis? Are others able to see God in you every day? There are several opportunities at Grace to help you on this journey, starting with Sunday school. I remember Sunday mornings and my teacher. I remember sitting in class learning and talking about all that God has done in the lives of others, and how He would also do things for me.
There are so many opportunities and ministries here at Grace where you can use your talents to serve God. There are opportunities listed in this edition of Grace Notes and there are opportunities listed in the bulletin. If you have not experienced all that Grace UMC has to offer, I am inviting you to “Experience Grace”
Blessings and Peace,
Pam Pinkerton
Pastors column
Grace to you,
It is time to give Thanks and Praise to God! Psalm 34:1-3 says;
1 I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise will always be in my mouth.
2 I praise the Lord—let the suffering listen and rejoice.
3 Magnify the Lord with me! Together let us lift his name up high!
Although we are approaching a season where we look forward to spending time with family and friends and giving thanks for the many blessings, it is still well to remember to praise the Lord at all times. “For what?” some may ask. I encourage you to spend time in the presence of God—remembering… Remember how God made ways when there was “no way.” Remember-- God’s faithfulness when others had counted out the possibility of the situation turning around for your good. Let’s follow the example of the Psalmist in blessing and praising the Lord at all times.
Preparing for the Advent season and the New Year at Grace UMC Arlington is an exciting time. This is a place to look back and forward at the same time. Great events are planned for 2014, including;The Relationship Seminar, the Financial Freedom Seminar, and Immersion in Grace 2014. Also, new to 2014, will be a Women of Grace Conference. How exciting! Look for the dates soon so you can make your plans to attend these“growing in grace” events.
We are continuing to cooperate with God’s grace as we fulfill this mission at Grace UMC Arlington, where we are called to; Bring people into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ, by making disciples through our words and actions in cooperation with God’s grace.
Let’s continue to stay faithful in cooperating with God we see His faithfulness towards us!
Stay in Love with God and each other,
Pastor Bates and Rona
Growing in Grace
Each month Mrs. Mattie Battles will honor us with a birthday party for everyone celebrating a birthday during that particular month. Our first “Everybody’s Birthday Party” will be held after worship service on Sunday, November 24th. Everyone is invited!
Your Grace 2014 Planning team (comprised of the pastor and ministry leaders) met to discuss “plans”;God’s plans and our plans for Grace UMC. We are excited at what God has planned for Grace. Please keep all ministries of Grace UMC in your prayers. And be sure to check out the monthly calendars for meetings and upcoming events here at Grace.
2014 Grace Planning Team
Ministry Opportunities
Member Call Ministry
volunteers needed – interested, please contact Pastor Bates.
Holy-ween Harvest Festival!
Volunteers needed –interested, please see Rodrione Robinson. You can also support this ministry by bringing young people to this event. There will be activities such as; Trunk or Treat, various races, face painting, contest, and games. Prizes, Treats, and Food!!!! Start making plans to attend. Thursday, October 31st 5pm - 9pm
THANKSGIVING BASKETS - November 23, 2013
On Saturday, November 23rd we will distribute Thanksgiving Baskets to needy families of our faith community and surrounding area. Watch bulletin inserts/Grace Website for more information.
ANGEL TREE - December 21, 2013
On Saturday, December 21, 2013 we will distribute Christmas Gifts to children of the incarcerated who are in our community. "Angel Tree is a program (of Prison Fellowship) that focuses on transforming the lives of prisoners' children and fostering reconciliation between the child, prisoner-parent, and family. This month, we will begin our marketing and advertisement of the events as we "seek to bring people into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ, by making Disciples through our words and ACTIONS in cooperation with God's
Volunteers will be needed to prepare and/or deliver the Thanksgiving baskets and Christmas gift bags. Please see Rev. Penny Stemley to volunteer or for more details.
Grace United Methodist Women help support the mission of The Bethlehem Center. They are in need of clean, gently used men’s casual clothing; and coats and sweaters for men, women and children. Betty Smith will collect clothing donations starting Sunday 11/3 through 12/15. Please let her know if you have questions.
Sharing Grace
Community Eye Clinic, comprehensive eye care, diabetes, glaucoma, dry eye, injury/infection, glasses, and prescriptions. 655 Taylor Street, Fort Worth, TX, 817-289-6800.
Arlington Urban Ministries, formed in 1997 as an extended arm of the United Methodist Churches of Arlington, provides help with electric bills or other emergency assistance.
Mrs. Evelyn